東京を拠点とするブティック型旅行会社DMC「Hitotoki | Luxury Travel Designer」の創設者。
Hospitality Industry Club of Japan 業界の中小企業のための新クラブ「HICJ」の創設者であり、大多数の中小インバウンド旅行会社に力を還元することで、既存の日本の観光業界を抜本的に改革したいと考えている。2021年2月には50社以上のアクティブ企業が会員となる。


  • 旅行業の「再生」へ5つの提言-JATA、リカバリーへ観光庁長官に要望も

        • Alex Debs
      • 一時合同会社 

    I would like JATA to introspect on why is there such a lack of awareness about the regional programs / support projects. I think we all have the answer. Also - free advice - a good way to improve and make the industry better and much less expensive than seminars would be to answer to JATA small members e-mails. I have wrote several times to the chairman through the "direct" e-mail available to all members presented as a way to "improve communication between JATA head and its members. Except a reply from a secretary chasing me for our yearly fee after sending my disapprobation of JATA lack of support to small members of the industry, I have never heard back from them. Maybe empowering JATA core members, which are the SMEs, would be THE way to save the sinking ship and bring fresh new ideas on how to attract the young generation ? Because in the current state, I can only recommend new graduates to look for a job in another industry..
    コメント全文を読む 6月27日 8

  • 往来の通常再開は今秋か、JATAが旅行再開へのロードマップを更新

        • Alex Debs
      • 一時合同会社 

    It is true that we can give them credit for finally releasing some information on what they are aiming for. Nevertheless, I am once again so disappointed that they don't learn from their past errors with the GoTo: How come do we, members of JATA, hear the launch of the 50(!) pax group tours at the same time as the general public two days ago? Meanwhile, JTB Singapore has already launched their marketing towards those monitoring tours yesterday (Link: https://tinyurl.com/2xx8c7t8 ) and no one would be surprised if we hear clients are already on tour in just a few days. As a JATA small member, we will probably need to submit a complicated application that will take two months to be approved to become an "accredited monitoring agency" right in time for borders reopening. As other comments noted, the trust towards JATA from its SME members is beyond broken at this stage and I sincerely wonder if they have any remorse. Two years into this crisis and nothing has changed on their way of doing business while we suffocate in silence.
    コメント全文を読む 5月20日 7

  • JATA視察団、ハワイ州知事らと会談 夏までにパッケージツアー再開へ

        • Alex Debs
      • 一時合同会社 

    It looks like a lot of fun thanks to our membership fees ! Seriously, don't they have a PR team who could have suggested that Members have other survival level priorities ? Worst part of it all, I am barely surprised anymore.
    コメント全文を読む 4月6日 12